Andy Wallace
Based in New York City
Release date:
January 23rd 2015
Regular Price:
USD | $8.99 |
PARTICLE MACE (PC, Mac) is explosive arcade fun for 1-4 players that pays homage to twitch games of the past, but replaces the typical guns with an unruly physics-based weapon. To survive, you must carefully navigate around the many hazards while building up momentum to swing your weapon into your foes or your friends, all in a field of brightly abstracted visuals and an entrancing procedural background. PARTICLE MACE is a game about trying not to die!
Andy is a strong believer of the idea that a simple game is not automatically an easy one, and a complex game is not automatically challenging. PARTICLE MACE began as a class project on particle interactions, and through iteration has evolved into the game you can play today! PARTICLE MACE development seeks to strike the balance between simplicity and difficulty; it is appealing to everyone in just seconds - one stick controls mean learning to play is instantaneous, but mastering the game takes dedication and focus.
- Smash your friends in versus mode or team up in co-op
- 150 missions to complete
- Killer OST
- Reach a zen-like state as you master the art of swinging trash in great arcs to kill enemies
- Unlock 9 new ships with different attributes
- 3 Endless and Brutal Arcade Modes
Logo & Icon
Showcased At
- "MAGFest" National Habor MD, January, 2015
- "Smithsonian American Art Museum" Washington DC, December 2014
- "Gamercamp" Toronto, October 2014
- "Indiecade, Night Games and eSports Showcase" Culver City CA, October 2014
Selected Articles
- "...a unique, compelling, challenging, and downright entertaining one-touch arcade game."
-Pocket Gamer - "Your thumbs ride the analog sticks as if a space cowboy with a mean lasso technique."
-Kill Screen - "...a meditative focus of watching everything and nothing, being everywhere and nowhere..."
-Ben Serviss
Additional Links
Particle Mace Blog
Check out our Particle Mace news and updates at andymakesgames.com.
About Andy Wallace
More information
More information on Andy Wallace and the things he makes can be found here here.
Andy Wallace
Developer, Programmer, Owner
Nathaniel Chambers
Original Soundtrack
K Anthony Marefat
Audio Design
Bobby Fata
Audio Design
Maya Kramer
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks