Chalice of Brevium

The realm of Brevium overlaps with ours only slightly. Humans can enter for only 10 seconds and only one at a time. Our holiest of relics, The Chalice, has been lost in this unstable realm. Our brave knights, builders and clerics train their whole lives for the moment when they will take up the quest and attempt to bring the chalice back to the portal while keeping it safe from the ogres, goblins and wyverns of that realm.

Below you is the current state of Brevium. All people see the same image of Brevium and when there is an adventurer there, it will update to show what they have done. A legend is available below the map. Study it well.

You may practice the techniques of the Builder, the Knight & the Cleric as long as you’d like by (P)racticing, but once you (W)ait your turn to travel to Brevium you will pickup where the last adventurer left off. You will have only 10 seconds to select your class and plan your quest followed by your 10 second chance to advance the quest of bringing The Chalice home. You will not be allowed to reenter. Make sure you are ready.

If the chalice is destroyed, the cycle is lost and a new cycle will begin. Shame to the adventurer who allows this to happen.

TL/DR: This is a persistent game played one player at a time. You (@) will have up to 10 seconds to plan followed by 10 seconds of play. Your actions will affect all users and you will only be able to play once per cycle (but you can practice for as long as you'd like). Your collective goal is to push the Chalice (Y) to the Portal (%) while keeping it safe from enemies

Press H to (H)ide this text and begin. (This will not start the timer)


@ - The Adventurer (you)

Y - The Chalice - Can be pushed. Must not be destroyed

% - The Portal - Bring the Chalice here

S - Spawn Point where the next adventurer will enter Brevium

! - Grave of another adventurer

# - Wall. Will stop goblins and wyverns but not ogres

> - Wyvern - Flies back and forth, will teleport if killed

g - Goblin - Small, but persistent. Seeks to destroy the Chalice

O - Ogre - Big and slow, will destroy whatever is in its path. Seeks to destroy the Chalice

G - Goblin Warren - Goblins come from here.

D - Ogre Cave - Ogres come from here.

Game by Andy Wallace

Pathfinding implimentaion: PathFinding.js

Version 0.7